
Depression isn’t something you can simply shake off or recover from by ignoring it. It’s not a weakness and nothing to be ashamed of — it can and does affect people from every walk of life at all ages. If you have depression, the clinical team at Nurocoach can help. Nurocoach has an office in Houston, Texas, as well as access to a nationwide network of highly skilled therapists via telehealth. To benefit from their expert care, call Nurocoach today and schedule a consultation or book an appointment online.


Questions and Answers

Depression, a common mental health disorder, alters your mood, so you feel constantly low, sad, and unhappy. It’s normal to experience times when you’re down or depressed, and when you’ve had a bad day, you might feel pretty miserable. But these moods should pass.

If you find you’re stuck in a depressed state for weeks or months, you likely have a depressive disorder that could benefit from professional treatment.

Each person’s journey through depression is unique, but there are some common themes. When you have depression, the world seems unendingly bleak and hopeless. The negative thoughts and emotions you experience with depression are often relentless. They include:

  • Despair
  • Self-loathing
  • Guilt
  • Emptiness
  • Worthlessness

It’s hard or impossible to find pleasure in anything, even activities you usually enjoy like sports and hobbies.

You might spend many more hours sleeping or develop insomnia and lie awake most of the night. Your appetite might disappear, leading to weight loss. Or you might eat to comfort yourself and gain weight.

There’s no single reason for developing depression. You’re more likely to get it if your family members have it, so your genetic makeup has an influence. Other factors that can impact your mental health include your home life, upbringing, physical health, and traumatic experiences.

Some people develop depression after a loved one’s death, job loss, or relationship breakdown, but not everyone does. A combination of factors is the most likely explanation, although some people get depression without any apparent risk factors.

The brains of people with depression do show differences from healthy brains, particularly in the connections between nerve cells and the communication systems they use. People with depression typically have less activity in certain areas of the brain and fewer neurotransmitters (chemical messengers like serotonin and dopamine).

The Nurocoach team offers comprehensive treatment programs for patients with depression. They tailor your care to your specific needs, but the primary treatments are:

  • Antidepressant medications
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

These treatments increase neurotransmitter levels and brain activity, help you cope with daily life, and address the root causes of your condition. Nurocoach provides access to a national network of qualified mental health professionals via telehealth.

To find the right combination of treatments for your depression, call Nurocoach today or book a telehealth appointment online.