
The inability to go to sleep or stay asleep is frustrating and exhausting. If you have long-term insomnia, Nurocoach can help. The practice has an office in Houston, Texas, and access to a nationwide network of highly skilled therapists via telehealth who understand how insomnia affects your mental and physical well-being. They provide patient-focused, personalized care, so you benefit from more and better quality sleep. Call Nurocoach today to schedule a consultation or request an appointment online.


Questions and Answers

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that limits the time you spend asleep each night. You might struggle to get to sleep, wake up frequently, or wake up early and be unable to go back to sleep. You could have two or even all three of these problems.

Sleep is vital for health. It’s when your body rests and repairs itself, and your mind processes the day’s events. You also dream during certain stages of sleep. While there’s a lot about dreaming that’s still a mystery, research shows it plays a significant role in mental well-being.

Because you sleep so little when you have insomnia, you don’t get the therapeutic benefits of a good night’s sleep. The sleep you do get may not be good quality either, making the effects worse.

Insomnia can cause problems like:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Low mood

Chronic insomnia increases your risk of long-term health conditions, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, and mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

You might occasionally have insomnia because of an acute illness like the flu or find it hard to sleep after an injury or surgery. Excitement and nervousness before an important event can also disturb your sleep. However, the problem usually passes in these cases when you get better, or the triggering event is over.

Chronic insomnia that persists for months and years has many causes. It’s a symptom of sleep disorders like restless legs syndrome (RLS) and sleep apnea. It can also develop when you have depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other mental health problems.

Chronic pain can make it hard to sleep or stay asleep for long. Insomnia often affects older people, especially those in the later years of life. In some cases, there’s no apparent cause for insomnia.

Treating underlying health problems and reducing chronic pain is essential for better sleep. It’s also vital to look at your bedtime routine and where you sleep. Drinking caffeine at night, looking at electronic screens before bed, having an unsupportive mattress, and having an irregular sleep schedule can all contribute to your difficulties.

Nurocoach’s therapists excel at helping people sleep using cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). This combines behavioral therapy techniques with changes in your approach to bedtime.

Call Nurocoach today or book an appointment online to learn how you could benefit from expert insomnia treatment.